Wednesday, April 4, 2012

R.I.P. Caballo Blanco

I was very sad to hear that Caballo Blanco has passed. I didn't know him or anything, but I almost felt like I did after delving into the life story he told at the end of Born to Run. From what I read, he sounded like an amazing person, and to me - and I'm sure many others world-wide - he's an inspiration. He loved to run and for no other reason than the run itself. Throughout this whole process I'm going through right now, I keep wishing that I will one day have the same inclination for running. I can't help but thinking that contrary to the (absolutely amazing) book's title, maybe not everyone is born to run. Yeah, I've been progressing and I can run much further and faster than I had been able to at the start, but I can't pretend to think that I will ever achieve award-winning speeds or distances, it's just not in me.

I will try though, and if for no other reason, than to try to feel the way Micah True expressed how running made him feel. Perhaps even just because now after hearing his story I have a nagging feeling that it's almost my obligation to live up to my running potential - maybe it will make me into a better person. After all, he wasn't the only super-athlete or ultra-runner featured in this book. Though almost all of the others live their lives in a totally different way that C.B. they all seem to possess the same heart - as if once you've run a 50-mile trail, you become one with the trail and anyone else whose experienced it.

I want to take this time to thank everyone who has so far donated to the cause I posted about in my last entry. I am still training hard and only have 5 weeks left before the 11K trail run. We have raised $200 so far and counting at Although I'm going to be running for Ohr Simcha in theory, I'll definitely be thinking of Caballo Blanco AKA Micah True AKA Michael Hickman throughout the whole journey, hoping he's watching.
Caballo Blanco (Micah True)  1954-2012

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